Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So I have had the urge lately to start a blog. It seems liek a place to just...vent, and sometimes I really need that!

Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Angela, but I prefer to be called Angie. I was born and raised in good ol' Baltimore, Maryland (hon!) and still live here, but I am planning on moving out to beautiful San Diego as soon as possible! My fiance used to live there and he loved it, and I hate winter with a fiery passion so to live in a place that's warm all year round sounds like heaven to me!

Anyways, today I received a phone call that I think will change my life; last night I sent e-mails to a few beauty schools for information, and this morning a woman named Angela (what a koinadink!) called from Regency Beauty Institute to let me know all about their school, and she literally told me everything I wanted to know about what they had to offer! I made an appointment for a tour on Friday, and I am SO excited! These past few months I have been thinking non stop about going to beauty school, and now that I'm actually visiting schools and can get financial aid for them, I am stoked to say the least! After talking to her, I was sold on the school, and other schools have been calling me ALL day, but I say I've been saying I'll call them back...this school just sounds so right for me. We will see I guess!!

So anywho, that was my excitement for the day, and Friday will take forever to get here I'm sure! Hopefully the wait will be worth it and I can start beauty school soon!

Looking forward to having new friends on here and talk about the things I love the most: Makeup, hair, clothes, etc.
Have a good day everyone! xoxo